23 Oct, 2023
KavaLytics® Model 6.1.1 Release
23 Oct, 2023
We're pleased to announce further improvements to our KavaLytics® models thanks to a wide variety of new samples since the last update. Key improvements include:
The total Kavalactone prediction R2 is up from 93% to 93.3% and the beverage grade classifier has been trained on an additional 232 samples bringing the accuracy above 95%.
Furthermore the system continues to be trained on Solomon, Papuan, and American grown kavas which have helped the overall models robustness.
Future updates will include extensive water extracted single cultivar instant trainings as well as kavalactone extract training.

The current model is extremely accurate at predicting the newly trained American Kava grown sample set. Above it the KavaLytics report, below is the HPLC which was performed a week later.

We are looking forward to providing the water, ethanol and CO2 extracts model in the next few months to further expand the capabilities of the KavaLytics system!